Replace water in river systems to encourage growth of indigenous fauna & flora
River Rehabilitation helps the environment
Ecosystems can once again thrive through the act of river rehabilitation. According to the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act No 43 of 1983) certain species of trees need to be removed as they are not indigenous to South Africa. As these invasive trees consume much more water than our own indigenous trees, they pose a problem to the ecosystem they exist in. They negatively impact the biodiversity within our country as they ruin all indigenous fauna and flora. They compete directly for precious resources and ultimately transform the land into an unusable or low-yield area, often densely overgrown with invasive aliens.
We provide an eco-friendly and total solution to this problem. Africa Biomass Company assists in the removal and recycling of these invasive alien trees in the riparian zones.
Landowners who have invasive species on their land are obligated to have such plants removed and furthermore controlled by ensuring they are not re-introduced into their land.
Alien invasive trees are removed and, by using Bandit’s equipment, turned into usable wood chips, which are then used as mulch or biomass in the Agri-industrial applications to generate heat or electricity.
Alien invasive are trees that Africa Biomass Company removes & recycles.
Alien invasive trees that Africa Biomass Company removes & recycles
The following species recycled by Africa Biomass Company are either listed as Category 1 or Category 2 alien invasive trees:
Black Wattle
River-rehabilitation exists in order to restore a river and the surrounding area to its natural or historical condition. ABC will come and do the work when the river is in a degraded condition due to alien and invasive trees or shrubs consuming all the natural resources that our indigenous species rely on.
As rivers are vital sources of water, habitat and biodiversity, it should be protected at all cost, which is why we offer our services to national and local authorities in their quest to do so. We take utmost care to remove alien trees and plants without damaging the land or indigenous trees, and we return valuable mulch to the system, which can assist with root and vegetative growth of indigenous plants in riparian zones.
As rivers are vital sources of water, habitat and biodiversity, it should be protected at all cost, which is why we offer our services to national and local authorities in their quest to do so. We take utmost care to remove alien trees and plants without damaging the land or indigenous trees, and we return valuable mulch to the system, which can assist with root and vegetative growth of indigenous plants in riparian zones.
Impact of removal of alien invasive trees on bees
The impact that the removal of alien invasive trees has on bees
Through the obtaining of government tenders, the area of alien invasive trees that needs to be removed, is demarcated. Africa Biomass Company strictly follows these instructions set out in tenders, therefore the impact on bees when removing alien invasive trees is low or even zero. Our services are bee-friendly.